Audio Visualizations and FFT

AI generated
AI assisted


Audio visualizations transform sound into dynamic, visually captivating graphics. By leveraging Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), we can break down audio signals into their frequency components and visualize them in real time. This article will explore how to create an audio-visual project using the Dominique Engine, a modular C++ framework for creative coding, generative art, and dynamic visual development.

Why FFT for Audio Visualization?

FFT is a mathematical algorithm that converts time-domain signals into their frequency-domain representation. It’s the backbone of many audio visualizers. Here’s why it works well:

  • Frequency Analysis: Identify bass, mids, and highs separately.
  • Real-Time Capabilities: Update visuals dynamically as audio plays.
  • Creative Possibilities: Generate unique visuals based on different sound properties.

Getting Started

To create an audio-visual application, ensure you have the Dominique Engine installed. Follow the official setup guide.

Project Structure

Files Needed:

  1. main.cpp – Core application logic.
  2. Audio file (e.g., audio.mp3).
  3. Shader files (optional, for creative effects).

Coding the Visualization

1. Include Required Headers

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "dengine/audio/AudioEngine.h"
#include "dengine/graphics/Renderer.h"
#include "dengine/utils/FFTProcessor.h"
#include "dengine/spdlog_helper.h"

2. Initialize the Application

int main() {
    de::DE App;
    auto& logger = getMultiSinkLogger();"Audio Visualizer Initialized");

3. Load and Play Audio

de::audio::AudioEngine audioEngine;

4. Set Up FFT Processing

de::utils::FFTProcessor fftProcessor;
std::vector<float> fftOutput;

5. Main Rendering Loop

while (App.isRunning) {
    fftOutput = fftProcessor.Process(audioEngine.GetCurrentAudioData());

    // Visualize frequencies as bars
    for (size_t i = 0; i < fftOutput.size(); i++) {
        float height = fftOutput[i] * 200.0f;  // Scale factor
            { i * 10.0f, 0.0f }, // Position
            { 8.0f, height },    // Size
            { 0.2f, 0.5f, 1.0f } // Color


6. Clean Up

return 0;

How It Works

  1. Audio Playback: The engine plays the audio file.
  2. FFT Processing: It processes the audio stream using FFT.
  3. Data Visualization: FFT output drives rectangle heights, creating a bar-like visualization.
  4. Rendering Loop: The engine continuously updates the frame with new data.

Enhancing the Experience

  1. Add Shader Effects: Use fragment shaders for glow effects.
  2. Sync Colors to Frequencies: Map bass to warm colors and highs to cool tones.
  3. Add Interactivity: Control playback with mouse or keyboard events.

Final Thoughts

Using the Dominique Engine, creating real-time audio visualizations becomes intuitive and highly customizable. With FFT, we unlock endless possibilities to turn sound into visual art. Whether you’re building an art installation or just experimenting with creative coding, this powerful combination is your gateway to stunning audiovisual experiences.

Have feedback or built something cool? Share your projects and thoughts in the Dominique GitHub community.

Happy Coding! 🎶🎨